Sunday 25 October 2015

How To Keep up the Cardio Through Bulking Season

This is a question I get asked a lot and quite frankly it was a question that I always used to ask myself at this time of year in the past. Could I really afford to stop my cardio altogether in order to slap on as much muscle mass as possible through the off-season or so called “bulking season”?  But more importantly Can you?

Il give my opinion on this often talked about debate using my own personal experience and knowledge I have gained through research I have looked at over the years. So you are probably thinking that its time to ditch the cardio altogether right?  Surely you wont grow if you continue to do those interval runs or treadmill sessions? Think again!

Don’t fall into a big trap that I did over the years and fail to get your bulking season right. Because you will have more work to do when you start your cut. Lets face it during a bulk you are going to put on a little bit of added body fat, which isn’t a bad thing as long as you can accept this is just something you are going to have to get along with. But by making sure you maintain a lean bulk by eating a good source of foods you will minimize the added body fat you put on around the mid-section and this means that when you come to cut it wont take long to reveal those Abs and display a chiseled six-pack. So where does the cardio aspect come in?

Most people see cardio as the go to lose weight and yes it can be looked at this way. But imagine if you skipped it all together. The idea of a lean bulk is that you minimize body fat increase as much as possible so throwing 2 – 3 cardio sessions in a week is going to support this a great deal and it is NOT going to affect your goals of putting on weight at all so don’t be scared. Here’s why:

When you include cardio in your training you improve the efficiency of your cardiovascular system, which is essential to help you maintain intensity when you train and increase work output. During the bulking season you are going to be lifting much heavier weights so you need as much muscular endurance as possible to help you reach the end of the workout and fight muscle fatigue. The last thing you want is to not be able to push out those final reps right?

On top of this it will limit the amount of body fat you put on and help you stay as lean as possible through the bulk as mentioned above. Of course you will cut down on the amount of cardio sessions you include in your training and I’d also suggest positioning these on different days to when you lift! Aiming for about 2 – 3 cardio sessions a week is sufficient. But what type of cardio should you do?

Typically I always suggest and select High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) purely for the fact It is much more explosive and therefore it requires and recruits more fast twitch muscle fibers, which will improve strength more than Low Intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS). This will also benefit your bulking as you will be more explosive and continue to recruit more muscles fibers for those big lifts. On top of this the sessions can be done in 20 minutes. So all you need to schedule in is 2 – 3 20 minute HIIT sessions per week and your on to a winner! I have designed some great HIIT workouts that can help you plan this with ease and they can be used time and time again to get you proven results. Check them out by clicking here.

I know that this year I am set for my best bulk yet and can’t wait to see the results over the coming months. Take on board this advice and you will be too. But don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need added support such as with your diet or training program to go along with you bulk (The last thing you want to do is be eating too little or too much!).


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